Google password manager kya hai aur kaise Use kare?
Kya apko pata hai murmur jitne bhi online site aur applications ko join karte hai to sabhi secret key ko yad rakhna bahut mushkil hota hai. Standard Google Secret word Director jo ki google ki ek committed secret phrase the executives administration hai iska use karke assani se passwords ko kahin pe bhi access kar sakte hai
. Google Secret key Administrator kya hai ?
Google Secret phrase Chief google ki ek free secret phrase supervisor administration hai jo chrome program ko gmail id se login karne standard hamare dawara use sharpen grain sabhi secret key ko synchronize kar leti hai aur sabhi secret key online spare ho jate hai. Hit murmur fir se un sites ko sign in karte hai to hume Username aur Secret key fir se lagane ki jarurat nahi padti. Google Secret word administrator sirf chrome program ke saath hello there kaam karta hai aur isko un sabhi gadgets jaise Macintosh, Windows, Linux, Android, Ipad jinme murmur google chrome program ka istemal karte hai, Poke murmur kisi dusre program me site login karte hai aur hume username aur secret word pata nahi bhi ho to wo sabhi spared passwords, Google Secret key Director ko access karke dekh sakte hai aur unka istemal kar sakte hai.
Google Secret key Director ka Use kaise kare ?
Is administration ka use karne ke liye sabse pahle hume Chrome program ko Essential G mail Id se login karna hoga jisme aap passwords ko online spare karna chahte hai. Isko kuch steps me arrangement kar sakte hai.
Stage 1. Chrome program kw right hand upper corner me ☰ three line pe click kare aur menu show me settings pe click kare aur Sign In kare.
Stage 2. Sign in karne pe apke samne ek spring up window khulegi jahan pe "Sync everything" pick kare aur "Encode sync secret key with your google certification" ko tick mark karde.
Stage 3. Stomach muscle specialty scroll karne pe progressed settings dikhai degi jahan pe "Empower Autofill to round out web structure in a solitary snaps" aur "Offer to spare your web secret word" ko check mark karde.Ab aapne chrome program me passwords ko auto sync kar diya hai punch bhi aap kisi bhi site ko join/sign in kroge to sabhi secret phrase online spare ho jayenge.
Next time sign in karne pe secret word auto fill honge aapko secret phrase lagane ki jarurat nahi padegi. Secret key ko online access kaise kare? Poke aap chrome program ke alawa koi other program jaise drama smaller than normal, safari, web traveler use kar rahe ho to bhi aap in secret phrase ko online access karke istemal kar sakte hai
Iske liye aapko click kare aur apni gmail account secret phrase se ise sign in kare. Apke samne unadulterated spared secret phrase ki list aayegi jisme secret phrase covered up honge aap inke samne eye mark pe click karke dekh sakte hai. Yahan se aap secret key ko eliminate bhi kar sakte hai. Brilliant Lock for Passwords aur Auto Sign-In ko Empower hello there rahne de.
Ensure essential google account Agar aap Google Secret word Supervisor ka istemal karte ho to apko apne primary google account ko secure rakhna bahut jaruri hai kyunki aapke sabhi secret word ek hello google account pe spare hote hai. Agar apka ye essential record hack ho jaye to aapke sabhi secret word access ho sakte hai. Google account ko secure rakhne ke liye apne isme 2 stage check code ka istemal kare jisse aap hit apna Gmail account login karenge to username secret word lagane ke awful aapke versatile no. pe Google Confirmation Code aayega jisko dalne pe hello there apka gmail account login hoga.
Google 2 stage confirmation ko arrangement karne ke liye sirf apko apne essential portable no. dalna hai aur isko empower karna hai. 2 Stage Confirmation ko arrangement karne ke liye yahan click kare. Murmur ek hello google account se google ki sabhi administrations access karte hai isliye hume apne account aur passwords ko hamesha secure rakhna chahiye. I trust ye chota sa instructional exercise apko apne passwords ko oversee aur secure karne me helpfull sabit hoga. Koi sawal hai ya sujhav hai to Generally Welcome.
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